1. Understanding Your Subconscious Programming
We all have limiting beliefs around wealth, success and most importantly ourselves that will sabotage every step you try and make as progress. Without learning how to remove these you will always be brought back to the same place financially and very often, even worse off!
I help you find the "root cause" of the sabotaging belief systems that are getting in your way and remove them. You will then be taught how to "re-wire" your subconscious to a healthier and more successful belief system to ensure you have no sabotage in your goals!
2. Your Relationship With
You have a self-imposed 'ceiling' for the monthly income you can earn. thus when you learn new skills to create more wealth, you simply will never make more unless you know how to smash through this 'artificial ceiling' you have created.
You will learn the step-by-step process to increasing your financial thermostat and also practical steps to ensure you move forwards and not backwards when reaching your financial goals!